Gday Track Crew ,
Big weekend ahead for the Mighty Knox Track Crew. But first a quick round up on recent weeks activities…. Track Attack was a huge success, I thought our track came up very well after an extremely limited prep, it was very difficult to keep moisture in the track but we managed to pull it off! The Track and surrounds looked terrific and were a credit to all who helped out – A massive thanks from me!
This weekend our track gets a birthday.
Strip all the old surface material from the track and replace it with fresh new stuff. This will ensure better weather proofing for the Winter. We will also share the love on some worn or jumps and landings. If time permits we might start on the minor modification to the last straight .
I need a few people to help on Friday night from 5pm and a lot to help out on Sunday from 9-3pmish. We will also need to some test riders on Sunday arvo.
Friday RSVP Sunday RSVP will have more details during the week.
May the Dirt be with you
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