Happy Tuesday ( Thursday )

10 Nov 2016 by Knox BMX

G’day Track Crew, Happy err….. Thursday??!!

Yep, Thunderdome ’16 is but a wisp of dust floating across Napoleon Rd!
Another triumph for Knox BMX, I must say.

A busy couple of weeks for us all in the lead-up to last weekend proved to be worth every effort as our club put it’s best foot forward for this years event. Pats on the back all around for a great prep job by the Mighty Knox Track Crew. On race day our hard work before the event shows, and is why other clubs scratch their heads and ask “Why can’t we do this?”
Thanks to everyone for a huge effort.

Saturday was a bit weird; no Old School Show which I look forward to every year ( it had been changed to Sunday)….so it was off to Better Rentals to hire a 1.5 ton roller which turned out to be a total shit heap….then mark some lines on the track which turned out to be a total bastard in 45mph winds! Then is was time to clock-off and become a Pro-BMX racer ( for the first time at TD) and hand the reigns over to Trev to look after the track ( and film and ripping video!). Many thanks to Troy Wallen for his help with the dreaded 5.30am track roll! We managed to pump a lovely bit of moisture into the track and it came up a winner on Sunday – ask Bodi and Jimmy Tait.

Looking ahead – we have our Christmas Clubby on Dec 4 and we’ll probably have to tart the place up before then – look out for a work session in the lead up!

For the past 6 or so years I have bean the Co-ordinator of the Might Knox Track Crew. I have decided not to continue in this role in 2017.
I will still be an active member of the club and help where – ever I can.
Please consider taking on this role, it involves communication and job delegation ( 2 things I totally suck at!) Pull me up and have a chat about it if your’e interested.

I’ve got a few people to thank for their help and support over the years. Our past and present Presidents; Richo and Con have always supported me and the Track Crew in all our projects. Lindsay Maslen – a rare, hard working Gen Y! And of course Mim, Harry and Aussie for their ongoing support.

That’s it from me! Thunderdome ’16 was a ripper.

May the DIRT be with you.

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